Security Gateway th May 9, 2005 Concatenation of the documentation in pdf format. Remirez - Remove chapter for Certificate expiration - Change references to Web print services by DDIP. th May 28, - New PP version : Proxy support, etc J. Alperi November 29th, 2000 Add STP Start chapter. STP chapters, and split of chapters into specific hyperlinks. Adapt chapters organization and new OS/IE table compatibility. August 29th, 2000 Add SNMP configuration in Com Adapter.Ģ Include N (3-letter month) in the file output configuration. th April 27, 2000 Change the URLs in the Pro Printer Communication Adapter settings. P1-D February 28th, 2000 Specify clear steps to substitute old certificates by new ones. th P1-C February 7, 2000 Change of NS Office ID to Amadeus Office ID. P1-B February 2nd, 2000 Add description of the new version P1.
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th November 25, 1999 Add description of the certificates revocation and expiration and warnings with Microsoft Winsock2 and Windows NT. rd November 3, 1999 Added error and warning messages related to security and certificates. October 14th, 1999 New version of Pro Printer that integrates the certificates. Document Date Comments Version th August 11, 1999 First version published. TRAVEL OFFICE Products & Solutions Systems Integration Ticketing Document Revision: th May 9, 2005. August 29th, 2000 Add SNMP configuration in Com Adapter.Ħ Preface This document is intended to guide the installer in the installation and configuration of the Amadeus printing application for Amadeus VISTA and Amadeus Pro WEB in …ġ Amadeus Pro Printer User Guide for Amadeus VISTA.
Example: marketing Search Amadeus Pro PrinterĪmadeus Pro Printer User Guide for Amadeus VISTA.